Anyone interested in reading more about the ring ceremony should check out what Coach Dungy has to say in his latest blog post inside MyColts .
I mention Tony’s blog post for two reason:
First, it gives me a chance to mention that today, at NOON, our social net will go live at its official .
Also, Tony’s blog gives me a reason to talk more about the ring ceremony. Apparently, the Super Bowl ring event generated a lot of interest out there in the blogsphere.
My post yesterday got picked up by deadspin and generated more buzz than anything I’ve ever posted. My blog typically gets about 100 daily visitors, but yesterday it got over 1,100! (See Google Analytics chart below. That spike on the right side is yesterday’s traffic). That spike is mostly due to a blog called “Deadspin“.
There’s quite a thread of comments, mostly quite negative about me, on the Deadspin blog. I suppose that’s where all the traffic comes from. Yikes. It’s like playing with fire!
Back to the land of the civil:
Several of the guys at the office wore their rings to work yesterday. I did not. I didn’t wear it because I feel awkward about it. After all, I did not play in the game. It’s an honor to be included as “part of the team”, and a privilage to actually get one. It seems to me the rings are best worn (in public) by the players and coaches, but I’m glad others are wearing theirs…as everywhere we go, people want to see them first hand (so to speak).